
Tokenization of Real Estate – Economic Incentives for a Swiss Bank

In this article, I explore the tokenization of real estate RWAs, meaning real estate-backed assets that are represented as tokens and made tradable digital assets. My focus is on new business models that could emerge for Swiss Banking. While blockchain applications are not currently among the top strategic priorities for Swiss banks—where AI and IT […]

Crypto-Nation Switzerland still not welcoming crypto-companies: All there, except for the Bank-accounts – What’s the Reason?

Switzerland offers excellent framework conditions and ecosystems in the blockchain and crypto sector, deserves international recognition as a hub and avant-garde (see more in a previous article). One would think that everything is in place to attract crypto companies, especially startups, if it weren’t for the fact that blockchain founders simply can’t find banks within

Welt geht Krypto – und Swiss Banking schaut zu, trotz regulatorischer Klarheit, solider staatlicher Rückendeckung und einem einzigartigen Blockchain Ökosystem

In letzter Zeit lassen sich vermehrt Beispiele beobachten, in denen sich traditionelle Banken mit Krypto-Angeboten positionieren, und entsprechend exponieren. Sie tun dies obwohl sie über schlechtere Startbedingungen wie der Schweizer Bankenplatz verfügt.  Was ist los mit unserem traditionellem Swiss Banking? Mit Seba oder Sygnum haben wir zwei Schweizer Anbieter, die den Zeitgeist früh erkannt und

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